Wells Funeral Home
Family Owned Since 1952

August 26, 1949 - December 21, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
2:00 PM
New Jerusalem Baptist Church
Rev. Angus Thompson Pastor
Rev. Larry Lawrence, Brother, Eulogist
Sunday, December 29, 2024
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Living Impact Word of Faith
908 Flood Street
Lakeview Cemetery
Wichita Falls, TX
Pastor and Superintendent Annie Mae Jones (Lee) was born August 26, 1949 in Paris, Texas. She graduated from Booker T. Washington, then attended college at
the University of New Mexico. She worked in the office at the Housing Authority for several years, and then closed her work profile as a manager of the Mills Street Boys and Girls Club after several years. She had numerous of friends, kinfolk, skinfolk,
cousins, nephews, nieces, etc. We don’t have the space to name everyone, but know that she loved you all. All of you are appreciated and we thank you most generously for the loving kindness and friendship you have shown her over the years. As she would
say, “With loving kindness have I drawn thee” Jeremiah 31:3.
Her ministry began in 1982, and since then, she has found herself active and busy in the house of God. She gave the word to all who would hear. She was the pastor and founder of Living Impact Word of Faith for 25 years. Sunday School Teacher, Youth Coordinator, Mission President, Church Secretary, Minister, Church Mother, Associate Pastor, Pastor, Founder, and Superintendent are some of her God appointed titles.
The two things we all know if nothing else, was that woman was gonna pray, and I mean PRAYYY, and keep the church’s money right. She was a great person to talk to and someone you wanted in your corner. She was a walking Bible; didn’t need the
Bible to quote you a scripture. Psalms 119:11 quotes, “Thy word have I hid in my heart,
that I might not sin against Thee.” That she did. She was a real woman of God.
She finally got the love of her life, Deacon Roosevelt Jones, and although her wait was long, he made it worth her while. He was also a great man and worker of God and his presence is also highly missed. Pastor/Superintendent Annie M. Jones was a
magnificent woman of God; greatly loved and so terribly missed already. She earned her wings and shall rise whole, holy and ready, in the presence of God. We love you and we all will continue to live the Philippians 4:13 prayer and faith.
You graduated Ma. Your home is now a mansion. You earned it, on streets paved with gold. Well done Ma, well done servant of God.
She is preceded in death by her mother, Hazel Marie Culp, and four brothers: Carl Lee Culp, James Edward Culp, Kenneth Lee, Vernon Lee Sr., and husband of fifteen years, Roosevelt Jones.
She leaves to finish their journey: sons, Jeffrey Allen Lee, David Jones Jr. and wife, Dee Dee Jones (Smith); daughter, Felicia Geter; brothers, Rev. Larry Lawrence (Cindy), and Bro. Johnny Culp. Mr. Moore and Jennifer Johns (Jaidyn) were a special daughter
and son to her; grandchildren, Mercedes Lee, Jeffrey Cameron Lee, Jaidyn Lee (Jeff), Diondra Nicole Johnson, Aushaquae Zhane Jones, Annie Kay Jones (DJ), Marquavious Stephens, BreOddecei Stephens, and Marvin Stephens Jr. (Dee Dee); great grandchild
Khyren Lee (Mercedes); a host of other relatives and friends.
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December 30, 2024
Janet Horace
I grew up next door to Annie Mae and her family. Rest well.
December 29, 2024
Rick Moore
Thank you for you love and guidance. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord. Thank you for loving someone that was not your own just as if he was. We'll see you again soon. Love always. Lord bless and say the same. Mr. Moore
December 29, 2024
Janet Horace
We grew up next door to her family in Woodard hills projects. Rest well Annie Mae.
December 28, 2024
Cynthia Davis Jordan
December 27, 2024
Roshana Williams
This Woman of God..... A loving , kind-hearted , prayer Warrior. The earth will miss her presence.
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