April 04, 1935 - January 19, 2024




Saturday, January 27, 2024

10:00 AM

Overcoming Word

Rev. Jonathan Ochoa, Pastor

Rev. Larry Matthews, Eulogist

Bethel Gospel


Friday, January 26, 2024

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Wells Chapel

811 Woods Street


Ft. Sill National Cemetery

Elgin, OK

Monday, January 29, 2024

Lou Ann Wherry was born on April 4, 1935 in Quanah, TX to George and Harriet (Flemons) Thomas. She gained her wings on January 19, 2024.

She accepted Christ at an early age uniting with Christ Gospel Church from 1968 until she was unable to attend. She met the love of her life, Horace Wherry, and they married on June 14, 2952. To this union six children were born: Gwendolyn, Jerry, Sharon, Frances, Debra, and Horace III.

She is preceded in death by parents; husband, Horace Wherry; daughter, Frances; son, Jerry; sisters, Leola and Laurel and brother, George Thomas.

She leaves to cherish her memories, daughters, Gwendolyn Norris (Ronnie), Sharon Wherry and Debra Wherry; son, Horace Wherry III; fur baby, “Runt;” numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives

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  • Heavenly Heights Bouquet

    Claudette Allen Butler sent Heavenly Heights Bouquet for LOU ANN WHERRY - January 26, 2024

    Auntie (Lovie) LuAnn Wherry, I know GOD has spoken and said good work my Faithful Servant and now it's time to rest. . Love Claudette(Princess)


  • October 29, 2024

    Remembering Sister Wherry today as I had a question I wished I could ask her.

  • February 07, 2024

    I have many memories of Sister Wherry. One of my fondest is when she lived across from Lincoln Park on Roosevelt St, I believe it was. As a young girl, Cynthia Davis Jordan and I, along with her little sisters, would often walk across the park to the Wherry's house. It never failed when we got there Sister Wherry was always doing the same thing. She had an organ and would sit and play that organ and sing Zion songs unto the Lord. I don't know where everyone else dispersed to when we got there but I was planted by Sister Wherry as she played that organ from the time I got there until the time we decided to leave. I loved hearing her sing and play. I would ask her to play the song again or if she could play a certain song and she would go at it. I was so fascinated by her passion for the Lord and her ability to play that organ. I know she is smiling, dancing, and can hardly get a word out due to being overjoyed with the joys of heaven and the glory of the Lord that has been revealed; because to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. He is ultimate joy and she's in His presence forevermore. So family, take solace in that because she made her election and calling sure. May the Lord bless you and keep you all as you cope with moving forward without her. ~Sándra Simpson~

  • January 27, 2024

    She was a Godfearing wonderful woman. She will be missed. Beautiful memories

  • January 26, 2024

    Sending my deepest and sincere sympathy to the cherry family, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time as you travel on this road with Jesus by your side,God bless!

  • January 26, 2024

    My deepest condolences to the family,Mrs.Wherry will be missed by so many praying for you all during this difficult storm.

  • January 26, 2024

    My dear Sister Wherry, I love you and will always remember your larger than life personality! Always so full of life and love. I'm so happy to know you're with Jesus really enjoying LIFE! Margie Pena

  • January 26, 2024

    I met Sis. Wherry when I first moved to Wichita Falls almost 45 years ago. She loved the Lord and was a shining light everywhere she went. Although she will be missed on Earth, she doesn't regret leaving us for her Heavenly home. Condolences to her family. Glenda Laubscher

  • January 25, 2024

    There is no one in this world like your mother. She was a special person, and she will always be with you. I met Miss Lou Ann through working with Horace. Such a dear couple. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Sheila Tucker

  • January 25, 2024

    Condolences to the family!

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